Takaisin Commissioner Hammarberg visits Greece to discuss situation of asylum seekers and minorities

[05/12/08 10:15] The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, will start on Monday 8 December a three-day visit to Alexandroupolis and Athens to discuss with authorities certain major issues relating to asylum seekers and minorities.

"The aim of the visit is to form my own impression of the situation and enhance the dialogue with the government to contribute to improving the situation" said Commissioner Hammarberg.

The Commissioner's agenda will include visits to Feres border guard station, Fylakio holding facility for irregular migrants and the mined area nearby in Kastanies. On the 10th he will hold meetings in Athens with the Minister for the Interior, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with competent national and international organisations.

A report with the findings of the visit is expected to be published early 2009.