Human rights and the environment: towards a new non-binding instrument


Διακήρυξη της απερχόμενης και των επερχόμενων προεδριών της Επιτροπής Υπουργών Σε μια διακήρυξη που εγκρίθηκε σήμερα, η απερχόμενη προεδρία (Γεωργία) και οι δύο επερχόμενες προεδρίες (Ελλάδα και Γερμανία) της Επιτροπής Υπουργών ζήτησαν την κατάρτιση μη δεσμευτικής πράξης για τα δικαιώματα του...

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Greece takes over the Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers


Η Ελλάδα ανέλαβε σήμερα την Προεδρία της Επιτροπής Υπουργών του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης, διαδεχόμενη τη Γεωργία, κατά τη διάρκεια συνεδρίασης που πραγματοποιήθηκε μέσω τηλεδιάσκεψης με τους εκπροσώπους των 47 κρατών μελών του Οργανισμού. Ο Υπουργός Εξωτερικών της Γεωργίας, David Zalkaliani, προέβη...

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Justice systems must help children overcome fear and trauma, not make them worse

Georgian Presidency of the Council of Europe 12 May 2020 Strasbourg

Every year, thousands of children across Council of Europe member states are involved in judicial proceedings. Whether a victim of crime or in conflict with the law, they are often vulnerable and in need of protection: in other words, they need justice systems to be “child-friendly”. Promoting...

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End of WWII: Statement by David Zalkaliani

Presidency of the Committee of Ministers 8 may 2020 Strasbourg

David Zalkaliani, President of the Committee of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Georgia, made the following statement to mark 75 years since the end of the Second World War: “Today we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe - the most devastating war in...

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5 May: Europe Day

Committee of Ministers 5 May 2020

Statement by David Zalkaliani, President of the Committee of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Georgia “Today, the 5th of May, marks the anniversary of the signing of the Statute of the Council of Europe in London by ten countries. This historic development represents the first...

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May 6: Online international Conference on Civil participation in Decision Making

5 May 2020 Strasbourg

The City of Tbilisi and the Council of Europe under the aegis of the Georgian Presidency of its Committee of Ministers are organising an online international conference on "Civil Participation in Decision Making". The opening session will include contributions by Irakli Giviashvili, the Georgian...

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World Press Freedom Day

Presidency of the Committee of Ministers 30 April 2020 Strasbourg

Statement by David Zalkaliani, President of the Committee of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Georgia Ahead of World Press Freedom Day, David Zalkaliani, President of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Georgia, made the following...

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International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


Statement by David Zalkaliani, President of the Committee of Ministers, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Georgia

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Environment and Human Rights: Georgian Presidency calls for modern legal standards and tools

Presidency of the Committee of Ministers 27 February 2020 Strasbourg

In a declaration made today in Strasbourg at a conference on environmental protection and human rights, the Georgian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers called to review the relevant Council of Europe legal arsenal and complement it by adopting a recommendation and a strategy in this field....

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Environment and human rights: towards a right to a healthy environment?

Presidency of the Committee of Ministers 20 February 2020 Strasbourg

In response to the threats to climate and biodiversity, the Georgian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe will organise a conference on Thursday 27 February in Strasbourg on the protection of the environment from a human rights perspective. The conference, which will...

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Statement by David Zalkaliani, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Georgia and President of the Committee of Ministers

Presidency of the Committee of Ministers 26 February 2020 Strasbourg

“This year marks the 6th anniversary of the illegal annexation of the autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol by the Russian Federation, and the beginning of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. In my capacity as President of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, I...

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Salome Zurabichvili: ‘Georgia has consolidated its democratic institutions’

Parliamentary Assembly session 28 January 2020 Strasbourg

“Georgia's accession to the Council of Europe 21 years ago has marked the start of a path towards the transformation of our society, the liberation of the individual, the democratisation of the political system, the consolidation of democratic institutions, and a state based on the rule of law,”...

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David Zalkaliani: ‘We must keep the same determination to defend human rights as the authors of the Convention’

Parliamentary Assembly session 27 January 2020 Strasbourg

In his address to the Assembly today, the Georgian Minister for Foreign Affairs and President of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, David Zalkaliani, highlighted the fundamental role of the European Convention on Human Rights, which enabled the setting-up of a unique human...

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The CoE Secretary General and delegations of the Members States have highly appraised the identification of youth affairs as one of the priorities of the Georgian Presidency

23 January 2020

An informal exchange of views on strengthening democracy through youth engagement was held on 23 January 2020, in Strasbourg, under the Georgian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. The meeting was opened by the Permanent Representative of Georgia to the Council of...

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Conference – “Diaspora’s active participation in state-building processes”

16 December 2019 Tbilisi

On December 16, within the framework of Georgia’s Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, a conference – “Diaspora’s active participation in state-building processes” was held in Tbilisi. The conference, hosted by the Parliament of Georgia, was organized by the...

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Exchange of Views on Cyberviolence Against Women and Girls

12 December 2019 Strasbourg

Informal exchange of views at the level of Ministers’ Deputies was held on 12 December 2019 in Strasbourg, on cyberviolence against women and girls, within the framework of the Georgian Presidency of Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. The event was planned within the framework of...

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Human Rights Day, 10 December 2019

Presidency of the Committee of Ministers 10 December 2019 Strasbourg

Statement by David Zalkaliani, President of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia

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Committee of Ministers: Georgia takes over Presidency from France

Presidency of the Committee of Ministers 27 November 2019 Strasbourg

The Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe today passed from France to Georgia, at a meeting at the organisation’s Strasbourg headquarters. France’s Secretary of State in charge of European Affairs Amélie de Montchalin gave an overview of her country’s achievements. The...

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Secretary General in Georgia: high-level meetings, new Action Plan launch

Secretary General 12 November 2019 Strasbourg

Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Marija Pejčinović Burić, has concluded on 11 November 2019 her official two-day visit to Georgia ahead of the Chairmanship in the Council of Europe that Georgia will assume on the 27th of November 2019. The agenda of the Secretary General’s visit...

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