Natrag A new role for women in society: the conclusions in the margins of the Conference on Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality

A new role for women in society: the conclusions in the margins of the Conference on Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality

There is a fundamental need to change both the role and perception of women in society by working to overcome of gender stereotypes. This concept clearly emerged from the high-level event "Work-life balance as a leverage for women’s empowerment and promoting gender equality". The event was organised by the Ministry for Equal Opportunities and Family and the Council of Europe, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation under the scope of the Italian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. It paid particular attention to the issue of women’s empowerment, including it among the priorities of its Semester.

 It was a message also reiterated by the Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Benedetto Della Vedova. In her opening speech she highlighted how in such a difficult historical moment it is vital to urgently "adopt political guidelines and concrete measures to reaffirm, at national and international level, the commitment to promote gender equality, full respect for women’s rights and the fight against all forms of discrimination and violence against women". Elena Bonetti, Minister for Equal Opportunities and Family, who is also inspired by current events, insisted on the need for a cultural change that allows women not to be the only ones to bear the burden of family responsibilities. "The pandemic has reminded us how these fall mainly to mothers, wives and daughters" explained the Minister, stressing that the concept of shared responsibility is now indispensable.

Claudia Luciani, Director of the Council of Europe for Human Dignity, Equality and Governance and Helena Dalli, European Commissioner for Equality, also spoke at the opening of the conference. The former further framed the conference in the light of some of the important, previous events organised in the context of the Italian Presidency on women’s empowerment. The latter provided some data on gender differences in the labour market, as a result of the unequal share of family responsibilities. Among the most significant moments was the online meeting with Kateryna Levchenko, Government Commissioner for Gender Equality, who focused on the role of women in Ukraine in working to restore peace and reaffirm democracy.

14 April 2022
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