Späť Council of Europe anti-torture Committee publishes report on Ukraine

The Council of Europe's Committee for the prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (CPT) has published today the report on its ad hoc visit to Ukraine in December 2007, together with the Ukrainian authorities’ response. These documents have been made public at the request of the Ukrainian Government.
The main purpose of the 2007 visit was to examine the situation of foreign nationals detained under aliens legislation, and to review progress made in this area in the light of the recommendations contained in the CPT’s report on its previous visit to Ukraine in 2005. Particular attention was paid to the Temporary holding centre in Pavshino, an establishment about which the Committee had expressed serious concerns in the past. In their response, the Ukrainian authorities refer to a decision to close down the Pavshino Centre by the end of 2008. This step has been made possible by the opening in 2008 of two new centres (in Chernigin and Volyn regions) designed for the detention of foreigners under aliens legislation.

 The CPT’s report also contains recommendations aimed at strengthening the safeguards for persons detained under aliens legislation and developing specialised training for staff working in detention facilities for foreign nationals.

 The authorities’ response provides information on various measures being taken to implement the Committee's recommendations.

 As part of its programme of periodic visits in 2009, the CPT has already indicated its intention to carry out a new visit to Ukraine.

 The CPT's visit report and the response of the Ukrainian authorities are available on the Committee's website http://www.cpt.coe.int

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