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European countries must stop forced evictions of Roma

“Many Roma continue to face serious forms of discrimination and human rights violations by authorities at both national and local levels. In particular, forced evictions without due process and provision of adequate alternative housing continue unabated across Europe, in violation of member states' international human rights obligations” said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, while releasing the letters he sent to the governments of Albania, Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Italy, Serbia and Sweden.

“Evictions are often carried out without prior consultation with the families concerned and at very short notice, while adequate alternative accommodation is often not provided. This situation increases the vulnerability of Roma families, prevents their social inclusion and impedes any prospect of regular schooling for their children. Member states have to abide by their human rights obligations, by stopping such measures and investing more in finding durable housing solutions for Roma families.”

Strasbourg 16/02/2016
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* 16 марта 2022 года Комитет Министров принял решение, согласно которому Россия перестала состоять в Совете Европы после 26 лет членства в этой организации
** Все упоминания Косово, будь то в контексте территории, институтов или населения, следует трактовать в полном соответствии с резолюцией 1244 (1999) Совета Безопасности ООН без ущерба для статуса Косово.