Voltar The Committee of Ministers shares the Assembly’s ambition to raise the Council’s profile and step up its activities

Lubomír Zaorálek

Lubomír Zaorálek

“The Committee of Ministers shares the Assembly’s ambition to raise the Council of Europe’s profile and step up its activities to help member States meet the challenges they currently face,” said Lubomír Zaorálek, Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic and Chairperson of the Committee of Ministers, addressing the Assembly today.

In this connection, he referred to the debate to be held in plenary on Wednesday on two particular reports, one on European unity – with a potential fourth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the member States – and the other on defending the acquis of the Council of Europe.

Mr Zaorálek also referred to a number of current political issues which continued to retain the attention of the Committee of Ministers, in particular the situation in Turkey, Ukraine and Azerbaijan, and the events organised as part of the Czech Chairmanship relating to the protection of rights of persons belonging to vulnerable or disadvantaged groups, support for local and regional democracy and the promotion of gender equality.

Lastly, Mr Zaorálek called on member States to remain mobilised in the face of terrorism, by, in particular, implementing Council of Europe instruments, such as the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism concerning foreign terrorist fighters, in force since 1 July. “To combat terrorism effectively, co-operation must not be confined to States. International organisations such as the Council of Europe must also work together as closely as possible and strengthen synergies,” the Minister declared.

Parliamentary Assembly Session Strasbourg 9 October 2017
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