Назад National minorities: new opinions on North Macedonia and Slovenia published

National minorities: new opinions on North Macedonia and Slovenia published

The Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) published new opinions on North Macedonia (see summary in Macedonian) and Slovenia (see summary in Slovenian).

North Macedonia has made significant progress in the legal protection of national minority rights by improving its policies, but implementation needs to be enhanced, the Advisory Committee says.

It calls on Slovenia to improve the housing conditions of Roma in informal settlements, to effectively prosecute and sanction hate speech, and to promote awareness of minority communities in education, media and culture.

 Press release
North Macedonia: progress in legal protection of national minorities, but implementation of legislation and policies needs improvement

 Press release
National minorities in Slovenia: conditions of Roma should be improved, awareness of minority communities raised

Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) Strasbourg 22 September 2022
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