In July 2020, the DH-BIO Secretariat distributed a questionnaire to member countries and stakeholder representatives requesting examples of ‘good practices in mental health care’. The questionnaire asked about various features of the initiatives, and included the following questions:

  • In which areas is the practice implemented (healthcare, employment, housing, training/education, social policies…)?
  • If the practice is linked to healthcare, at what stage of the healthcare path is it implemented (general health care, admission, follow up…)?
  • What is the aim of the practice?
  • Does the practice address a specific situation (crisis situation, followup to hospitalisation, homelessness…)?

Other questions related to the scope of practice (national, regional or local), the individuals concerned, and the degree of service user involvement.

The answers to the questionnaires were provided to a consultant (Dr Piers Gooding). The materials were supplemented with reference to existing scholarly and ‘grey’ literature ‘Grey literature’ refers to information produced at various levels of government, non-government, academia, business, industry and other areas of civil society, in electronic and print formats, in which commercial publishing is not the primary activity of the producing body. and compiled into the list found in Part II of this report. The consultant undertook some follow up inquiries with key individuals who were delegated as contact points for particular submissions. Submissions were stored and numbered (1-29) and are occasionally referenced throughout the report (e.g. ‘Submission 17’). Some delegates submitted multiple practices within the same country, which were additionally labelled from A to D (e.g., ‘Submission 17A’).