
Georgian Parliament should not adopt anti-LGBTI law and should refrain from using stigmatising rhetoric

10/09/2024 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Michael O’Flaherty, published today a letter sent to the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia in which he asks members of the Parliament to refrain from adopting the draft law “On protecting family values and minors” passed in second reading...

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Country visit report

Italy should improve legislation and practice on migration and asylum, women’s rights and gender equality

14/12/2023 Strasbourg

In a report published today, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, recommends adopting a number of measures to better uphold the rights of migrants, asylum seekers and women. The Commissioner also raises certain issues concerning journalists and the legal...

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Country visit report

Georgia should ensure effective implementation of the anti-discrimination legislation and improve protection of human rights in the fields of labour and the environment

15/07/2022 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published today the report following her visit to Georgia in February 2022, with recommendations on combating discrimination against LGBTI people and those belonging to religious minorities, as well as protecting human rights...

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Turkish authorities should stop the stigmatisation of LGBTI people

24/06/2021 Strasbourg

In a letter addressed to the Minister of Interior and the Minister of Justice of Turkey, published today, the Commissioner calls on the authorities to fulfil the commitments enshrined in the national Action Plan on Human Rights, stop the stigmatisation of LGBTI people, and uphold their freedoms...

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Stop the rain on human rights

Euractiv, 10/12/2020 The current pandemic crisis serves as a magnifying glass of all existing inequalities in Europe – racism, gender and sexual discrimination, treatment of migrants: there is still a long way to go to ensure full and real equality in Europe, write Helena Dalli and Dunja...

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Poland should stop the stigmatisation of LGBTI people

03/12/2020 Strasbourg

“Public officials and opinion makers should stop promoting an atmosphere of hate and intolerance vis-à-vis LGBTI people and instead, improve respect for their human rights. Stigmatisation and hate speech carry a real risk of legitimising violence. LGBTI are people, not an ideology”, said the...

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The Commissioner calls on the Russian investigating authorities to take urgent action in the case of Mr Salman Tepsurkayev, abducted in September and subjected to torture in Chechnya

19/11/2020 Strasbourg

Today the Commissioner published a letter she had addressed to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Mr Alexander Bastrykin, concerning the case of Mr Salman Tepsurkayev, a 19-year old chat moderator on the 1ADAT news channel on Telegram who was abducted,...

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Country visit report

The Republic of Moldova should ratify the Istanbul Convention, improve its response to hate speech and advance access to quality healthcare, affordable housing and social inclusion for all

25/06/2020 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published today a report on her visit to the Republic of Moldova in March this year – which included travel to Comrat (Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia) and Tiraspol - with recommendations on violence against women and...

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Country visit report

Stronger commitment needed to combat racism, fight gender stereotypes and increase media freedom in Bulgaria

31/03/2020 Strasbourg

Today the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published a report on the visit to Bulgaria she carried out in November 2019. The report focuses on racism, intolerance and discrimination; violence against women and domestic violence; and media freedom. The Commissioner...

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Country visit report

Turkish authorities must restore judicial independence and stop targeting and silencing human rights defenders

19/02/2020 Strasbourg

In a report published today, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, calls on the Turkish authorities to restore judicial independence and stop the practice of targeting human rights defenders, lawyers and journalists and silencing them by using administrative and...

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Country visit report

Report on Armenia recommends measures to improve women’s rights, protection of disadvantaged or vulnerable groups, and establishing accountability for past human rights violations

29/01/2019 Strasbourg

Today the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published the report of her visit to Armenia carried out in September 2018. The report focuses on women’s rights, gender equality and domestic violence; the human rights of disadvantaged or vulnerable groups; and...

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Country visit

Monaco must consolidate the progress achieved in protecting the rights of children, people with disabilities and LGBTI persons

20/01/2017 Strasbourg

“Monaco has made significant progress in recent years in the protection of human rights. However, this progress must be consolidated by further improving protection of the rights of the most vulnerable, such as children, people with disabilities and LGBTI persons, and by strengthening the...

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Country visit report

Latvia urged to ensure gender equality and foster an inclusive society

13/12/2016 Strasbourg

“Latvia has achieved considerable progress in adopting legislation and policies which comply with human rights standards, but the authorities must engage in more sustained efforts to bridge the remaining gaps, in particular those which still hinder gender equality and more effective protection...

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Visit observations

Georgia should continue strengthening the independence and impartiality of judges

12/01/2016 Strasbourg

Read the observations “Judicial reforms have yielded some positive results in Georgia, in particular as concerns the reduced influence of the prosecutorial authorities, the increased transparency in the work of the High Council of Justice and an improved juvenile justice system. However,...

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Country visit report

San Marino: media freedom and gender equality should be improved

15/10/2015 Strasbourg

Read the report “San Marino has made progress in promoting human rights in recent years. More sustained action is now needed to ensure media freedom and increase gender equality” said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, releasing a report based on his visit to...

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Country visit report

Slovakia: Roma, LGBTI persons, and persons with disabilities need more protection

13/10/2015 Strasbourg

“Slovakia has to step up its efforts aimed at combating and eradicating discrimination in law and practice, and take effective measures to improve the protection of Roma, persons with disabilities and LGBTI persons,” said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights,...

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Country visit report

Serbia: Impunity for war crimes, discrimination and lack of media freedom hamper human rights progress

08/07/2015 Strasbourg

Read the report “Serbia has to show more resolve in addressing the legacy of the past, to improve the fight against discrimination and to establish a safer media environment” said Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, while releasing the report based on his visit to the...

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Visit to France

France must keep its promises concerning equality

26/09/2014 Paris

“Despite efforts to implement the principle of equality in France, many forms of discrimination remain and show that a number of the Republic’s major undertakings are still to be honoured in this vital area for social cohesion and human rights”, said the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human...

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Country visit report

Montenegro: overcoming wartime legacy and strengthening media freedoms remain priorities

23/06/2014 Strasbourg

“Montenegro has an important role in regional efforts to establish the truth about serious human rights violations committed during the wars of the 1990s in the region of former Yugoslavia. However, impunity for wartime crimes and access to adequate reparations for all war victims remain issues...

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Report on visit to Georgia

Georgia has to improve the administration of justice and promote tolerance

12/05/2014 Strasbourg

“Continued efforts are needed to enhance public trust in the justice system and to promote equality and minority rights,” said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, releasing a report (CommDH(2014)9) on his visit to Georgia from 20 to 25 January 2014. A reduction...

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