Documenti con tag nils muižnieks .

Times of Malta, 26/02/2018 When I visited Malta last November, I noted how the very restrictive legislation on abortion jeopardised women’s rights. I was also particularly struck by the lack of an open debate about this issue. It is, therefore, encouraging that some voices are now starting to...
Opinion article 24 Hours, 25 January 2018 For many people, home means a refuge, a place where one can enjoy family life freely and safely, where love is a part of everyday life. But for victims of domestic violence, home means just the opposite. It is a place where...
Opinion article 24 Часа, 25 January 2018 За много хора думата „дом“ означава убежище, място, където човек може да се радва на семейния живот свободно, в безопасност и където любовта е част от ежедневието. Но за жертвите на домашно насилие „дом“ означава точно обратното....
Hospodářské noviny, 19/12/2017 Education matters. It shapes our identities, develops our social skills, defines our career chances. As such, it is one of the most crucial human rights we all have. Yet, a number of European countries continue to discriminate against groups of children, in...
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 24 October 2017  Die Familie ist wesentlicher Bestandteil unseres Lebens. Aus diesem Grund wird sie auch durch nationale und internationale Rechte besonders geschützt. Für Menschen, die von ihren Familien getrennt sind, weil sie aus ihren Heimatländern fliehen mussten...
OpenDemocracy, 17/07/2017 Twenty years ago, the adoption of a new Constitution by Poland’s National Assembly marked a defining moment in the country’s history. After almost five decades of one-party rule, the Polish people gave expression to their aspiration for freedom and democracy through a...
Euronews, 10/03/2017 Human rights protection in Turkey has been scaled back alarmingly in recent years as restrictive government and judicial actions have progressively affected large strata of society. This dangerous path, which runs counter to Turkey’s human rights obligations and undermines...
Коммерсантъ, 06/02/2017 Закон, отменяющий уголовную ответственность за семейное насилие, ожидает подписи президента РФ. О том, какие меры должны принять российские власти для борьбы с проблемой насилия в семье,— в статье комиссара Совета Европы по правам человека НИЛСА МУЙЖНИЕКСА, написанной...
Kommersant, 06/02/2017 For many people, home means a refuge, a place where we feel safe and free. A place where our private life is sacred and where the state has no right to pry. But for victims of domestic violence, home means just the opposite: a source of stress and torment. The state has a...
The Huffington Post - 02/02/2017 As the European Council is set to meet in Malta on Friday to address the Union’s response to migration, one topic should be prominent on all points of its agenda: states’ obligations to uphold the human rights of migrants. The urgency for this is clear. Since...
The New York Times - 28/09/2016 At the recent European Union summit meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia, the divergent approaches of member countries on how to handle the influx of migrants exposed deep divisions. Among the countries most hostile to the European Union proposals on migration was...
24 Chasa, 6 July 2016 Imagine tomorrow you are forced to leave your house and move to an impersonal, large social care institution, far away from your family and friends. You cannot challenge this decision, because somebody has the legal right to decide in your place. From now on, you are no...
24Chasa, 6 July 2016 - ПРЕДСТАВЕТЕ си, че утре сте принудени да напуснете дома си и да се преместите в една голяма безлична институция за социални грижи, далече от вашето семейство и приятели. Вие не можете да обжалвате това решение, защото някой друг има право по закон да решава вместо вас....
OpenDemocracy, 29 June 2016 Few people are more caricatured and stigmatised in media and political discourse by stereotypes, sensationalism and myths than Roma, by far the largest minority in Europe. Many Europeans believe that Roma choose to live in shanty camps in abject conditions, and that...
EurActiv, 13 May 2016 Eight years after the economic crisis began, many European countries are still struggling to recover and a glaring statistic remains – that of four and a half million unemployed young people. Link to the article on EurActiv
Huffington Post, EurActiv, 22/03/2016 The EU, Greece and Turkey have to ensure that additional principles guide the implementation of the EU-Turkey migration deal reached at the 17-18 March summit, writes Nils Muižnieks. Nils Muižnieks is the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights. ...
Tagesschau, 16/03/2016 Illegale Migranten in die Türkei, Syrer nach Europa - von einem solchen Deal zwischen EU und Türkei hält der Menschenrechtskommissar des Europarats gar nichts. In einem Gastbeitrag für erklärt Nils Muiznieks, warum die geplante Absprache moralisch wie...
New York Times, 14/03/2016 In an opinion editorial published in the International New York Times today, Commissioner Muižnieks warns that the deal the European Council is discussing with Turkey to stem the flow of refugees runs contrary to human rights standards. “The automatic forced return...
Kommersant, 25/02/2016 Действующий и бывшие комиссары Совета Европы по правам человека написали статью для “Ъ” 20 лет назад, 28 февраля 1996 года, Россия вступила в Совет Европы (СЕ), тем самым взяв на себя обязательства стать государством, придерживающимся принципов демократии и верховенства...
Kommersant, 25/02/2016 During the meeting of the President of the Russian Federation with the Russian Human Rights Council in October of last year, a few problems with regards to the functioning of the Russian judiciary were raised. President Vladimir Putin expressed readiness to examine these...
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