Takaisin Publication of a new guide: Which alternative narratives work and why?

Publication of a new guide: Which alternative narratives work and why?

Following the ‘10 criteria for the creation of effective alternative narratives on diversity’, the ICC has worked together with experts to develop research on alternative narratives specifically in relation to migration and integration.

Alternative Narratives are positive, pluralist, or progressive narratives that are based on intercultural principles and respect for human rights. In the policy brief “Migration and integration - Which alternative narratives work and why”, narratives are examined from the perspective of the city with input of research from civil society. The brief identifies and examines alternative narratives under the frames of shared humanity, shared prosperity as well as shared health and security, based on research with illustrating practical examples from cities across the globe.

The policy brief is part of a series of papers and training materials developed for the Academy on Alternative Narratives and Intercultural Communication.

1 July 2021
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