Tagasi 27 January: Holocaust Remembrance Day

27 January: Holocaust Remembrance Day

On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation joins the international community in remembrance of the victims of the Shoah, the most tragic chapter in the history of Europe. As Chair of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, Italy reiterates its steadfast commitment to fighting all forms of discrimination and intolerance, first and foremost among which anti-Semitism.

We are currently witnessing an increasingly marked and unacceptable resurgence of anti-Semitism and instances of violence against members of the Jewish community, as well as widespread attempts – fed by stereotypes, old and new, amplified by the digital cyberspace – to downplay, deny and distort the Shoah. Italy is concerned by such developments and is determined not to let its guard down and to intensify efforts to continue fostering remembrance of the Holocaust, and shall endeavour to do so also by way of educational and information campaigns with a focus on younger generations.

In keeping with this solemn commitment, Italy has supported steadfastly the General Assembly of the United Nations’ Resolution on Holocaust denial and distortion, promoted by Israel and Germany and approved last 20 January– 80 years to the day since the deplorable Wansee Conference which issued the “Final Solution to the Jewish Question”.

Remembrance of the Shoah must guide our unwavering efforts to build societies that are ever more inclusive and tolerant and that fully embrace respect for the dignity of every human being. Knowledge and understanding of the Shoah and the fight against all forms of denial and distortion of that immense tragedy are essential to the preservation of the values on which the Italian Republic and the European project were founded.

27 January 2022
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