Takaisin Presentation of a new anti-rumours comic

Blanca and Rosita share their adventures to rent an apartment for a racialised person.
Presentation of a new anti-rumours comic

Manuel Arranza’s Library will host a discussion panel on housing, rumours and stereotypes.

In the framework of the activity “An odyssey to rent an apartment”, where a discussion panel will be held to discuss about the situation of housing in Barcelona, the BCN Anti-rumours Strategy will present the 5th chapter of Blanca Rosita Barcelona, everyday stories on rumours and stereotypes that affect cultural diversity in the city.

On this issue, Blanca and Rosita present the obstacles that migrated or people with foreign background face when they want to rent an apartment in Barcelona. The plot of the story begins as Fàtima, a friend of Blanca and Rosita’s, visits an apartment to rent and the property agent tries to prevent the contract to be concluded. The story pretends to raise awareness on everyday stories that revolve around rumours, stereotypes and prejudices that might affect coexistence and access to fundamental rights such as housing.

At the end of the comic there’s the “Let’s talk about it” section, where the reader finds arguments that might lead to a critical reflection upon the rumours and stereotypes based on cultural diversity and that appears in the comic itself. Also, in the “Learn about it” section the reader finds tools to combat rumours and inform his/herslef about the situation of racism and discrimination in Barcelona.

Barcelona, Spain 13 February 2018
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