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Media & election expert, MEMO 98

Slovak Republic

Mr. Rasťo Kužel is a media & election expert with over 21 years of international experience. Since 1998, he has been at MEMO 98, a proficient media monitoring organization with extensive experience of delivering media monitoring on behalf of international institutions as well as technical assistance to civil-society groups, the media and regulatory bodies. Rasťo has worked as media and election analyst, consultant, and trainer, participating in a number of election observation missions and projects. For the last 5 years, Rasťo has focused intensively on the issue of disinformation in the context of elections, conducting a research on the impact of different types of narratives in the former Soviet Union countries and beyond. More recently, he has also focused on the role of social media during elections and ways to tackle their negative impact on elections processes as well as ways how to monitor these trends in the context of international observation of elections. He co-authored a White Paper on Social Media, Disinformation and Electoral Integrity to guide International Foundation for Electoral Systems in this area.