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Head of Division, Democracy and Electoral Observation, EEAS

Patrick Costello is currently Head of the Democracy and Electoral Observation Division of the European External Action Service (EEAS). He has been an EU official for 22 years working in the European Parliament, European Commission and EEAS and has served in a number of Cabinets including those of Chris Patten, Vice-President Margot Wallström (as deputy Head of Cabinet), EP President Josep Borrell (as diplomatic adviser) and Karmenu Vella (as Head of Cabinet). Other jobs have included EEAS head of division for the Middle East and deputy to the Chair of the Political and Security Committee. Prior to joining the European Institutions, he worked for the UN in Haiti (MICIVIH) and as an electoral observer in South Africa (UNOMSA) and he started his career as a human rights campaigner on Central America.