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Former member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, journalist

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ms. Ismeta Dervoz is a former politician and since 2015 in retirement. She is a prominent activists and recognised independent expert in the field of women rights, non-discrimination and equality. As a member of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH in the PACE Ms. Dervoz served as the first deputy chair of the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination. Launched the initiative and advocated in favour of BiH and other Western Balkans countries signing and ratifying the Istanbul Convention (CAHVIO). Ms. Dervoz currently cooperates with COE and several non-governmental organisations active in the fields of women rights, with particular interest for empowerment of women in political and public life. Ms. Dervoz was awarded by the Charter of International League of Humanists for her work in the period during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.