Lisbon, Portugal

7 December 2016

Can our societies somehow break the grip that powerful elites have on government without slipping into dangerous forms of populism? How can we best tap into the widespread desire for political change in a way that keeps irreflected views in check? And which role should governments, universities and civil society institutions play in disseminating high-quality information and shaping the public debate on fundamental policy issues?

This colloquium will bring together a diverse set of practitioners and thought leaders to discuss these questions. It will emphasize the role of institutions—both within the government and public administration as well as in civil society—in fostering informed, reasoned public debate. Going beyond the exchange of ideas, we aim to take some first steps in creating an international network of practitioners and social entrepreneurs working on creating opportunities for thoughtful public engagement.

This event will be jointly organized by the Fórum dos Cidadãos and the Social and Human Sciences School of Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

To join us in Lisbon or any additional information, contact Manuel Arriaga ([email protected]).