7 November 2023 - 14.30-16.30  / Room 7 Palais de l'Europe

Interpretation FR/EN

Sponsored by the Parlementary Assembly of the Council of Europe

By putting one’s money where one’s mouth is, i.e., by turning to social entrepreneurship, many people assured the sustainability of their cause. It is also true that many conflicts emerge over distribution of the profits made by working with only the individual goals in mind.

By fulfilling our civic duties, we should be entitled to demand accountability for allocation of public funds.  Economics of positive social change can also be studied through the optics of the North-South divide, within which there are still power structures that stand in the way of a more equitable collaboration. Which models of social entrepreneurship can best assure sustainability of activism? How can civil society reverse the trend of rising inequalities and keep those in charge of public funds accountable? Bearing in mind that the old power structures still exist in the field of international co-operation, how can we make those more diverse, more equitable and more responsive to the needs of the locals?

Lab 9: Social entrepreneurship

Full screen: ENFR / ORIGINAL

Palais de l'Europe, room 7 7 November 2023 (14.30-16.30 )
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initiative 1

So’Stare Project - BottegArt Association


The association BottegArt has opened So’Stare, an independent micro-library mainly aimed at children and young people from 0 to 16 years. The goal is to tackle social issues related to integration and sharing, and at the same time the recovery and dissemination of culture. It seeks to serve as a liaison service between the comprehensive institutes of different towns in the Umbria region for training courses, teaching workshops, and for the presentation of new educational strategies suggested and developed within the national and international publishing panorama. Another objective is to promote and foster reading among children and young people and support the right to education of disadvantaged ones by providing them with school supplies with the proceeds from the sale of micro-library books and with crowdfunding ad-hoc initiatives.


MANETTI Paolo Antonio

Paolo Antonio MANETTI

President, So’Stare Project


Gratuated in classical guitar and teaching the instrument in the secondary school, in 2012 Manetti built a small theatre in an old greengrocer shop in the city center of a really small town, Acquasparta (Umbria - Italy) called “Bottega Artigiana della Creatività e dei Diritti Umani” (Creatitvity Workshop for Human Rights) only sustained by citizens donations. Manetti is the founder and president of Bottegart Association who finances territorial activities to help people who are facing economic, social or psychophysical difficulties through the power of music, art and literature.

initiative 2

The Citizens Watch - The Reformers Initiative for Development in Africa (Reformers of Africa)


The Reformers' Initiative for Development in Africa (Reformers of Africa) is a non-profit, pan-African civic-tech organization dedicated to promote and support ideals, principles and practices of participatory governance, digital social innovation, peace and government accountability in Africa. The Citizens’ Watch is a promise tracker that is designed to enable citizens, civil-societies, journalists, scholars and public policy analysts to track and rate the most significant campaign promises of elected government officials, in a bid to promote transparency, accountability and participatory governance. It is a digital social innovation that fosters greater accountability of elected government officials, enhances participatory government and increases a sense of civic responsibility. The project is aimed at developing a culture of constructive dialogue between the government and the governed, in a bid to enhance the quality of basic public services delivery in education, health, agriculture, infrastructures etc. The innovation uses offline and mobile tracking tools to track, rate and publish the most significant promises at campaigns and rallies and the manifestoes of the elected officers. This innovation bridges the gulf between the governed and the governors by holding elected officers to their trackable promises and informing the citizens of the progress of the government.




Head of Programmes, The Citizens Watch


Oluwasegun Ajetunmobi, currently the Head of Programmes at the Reformers Initiative for Development in Africa (Reformers of Africa), holds a master’s degree in African Diaspora and Transnational Studies from the University of Ibadan. He leads the social accountability project of the organisation called The Citizens Watch. This digital tool, which is hosted as an interactive and multimedia web platform, empowers citizens to track government promises and participate in policymaking and implementation. He is a recipient of several leadership and developmental awards and fellowship including the Young African Leadership Initiative (Regional Leadership Center) Fellowship, in 2018; the Agora Fellowship of Young Voices, 2019 and the African Liberty Writing Fellowship, 2020. He was on the Technical Working Group that drafted the Nigeria National Development Plan for the High Growth Cluster 2025, 2030, and 2050 in 2020.

initiative 3

“I am a worker, I have rights” - Institute for Labor Rights Advocacy (ILRA)


The mission of the organisation is to promote equal access to labour rights in Azerbaijan, guided by principles of social justice. They organize awareness-raising events and campaigns, provide free legal aid to citizens, and closely monitor the activities of relevant state agencies. The initiative's primary goal is to promote equal access to labour rights in Azerbaijan based on principles of social justice. It takes various actions to achieve its goals, including organizing awareness-raising events, conducting public discussions and free training sessions on labour rights, providing free legal aid to citizens, monitoring the activities of relevant state agencies, and running public advocacy campaigns. The initiative primarily targets workers from disadvantaged groups who are unable to afford legal services. Additionally, it engages law students interested in social activism, CSOs/initiative groups, local activists, lawyers, media outlets, trade unions, relevant governmental institutions, and relevant MPs. ILRA collaborates with various partners and stakeholders such as local initiative groups, media outlets, trade unions, governmental institutions, and MPs to enhance the effectiveness and visibility of its activities.




Co-Founder and Director, Institute for Labor Rights Advocacy (ILRA)


Farid is an Azerbaijani young civil society professional dedicated to empowering disadvantaged communities through social projects, focusing on protecting social rights and promoting educational development. His academic background in Applied Economics from Corvinus University of Budapest includes research on labor unions and behavioral economics. Farid is co-founder and director of the Institute for Labor Rights Advocacy (ILRA) where provided free legal aid to over 1500 citizens and reached over 1 million people in 2 years. His dedicated work in civil society is recognized by U.S. State Department for the Community Building Initiatives Award and IVLP Program. He is also EaP Civil Society Fellow.

initiative 4

Decolonise IVS - The Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS)


CCIVS works for the development and coordination of voluntary service worldwide, it supports and develops projects based on the idea that working together on a concrete task is the most effective way of creating international friendship and understanding. The Decolonise IVS project seeks to go to the heart of the debate around decolonisation with the aim to improve the quality of transnational cooperation by jointly developing tools, policies, and guidelines to transform power structures, processes, and mindsets among 6 of the most prominent networks in the field of international volunteering. CCIVS cooperates in with independent grassroots organisations youth-oriented and mostly youth-led, working in the field of international voluntary service and implementing activities on a local level. The project wants to have an impact on: power structures that stand in the way of global collaboration and environmental sustainability; dismantling of supremacy ideology in the minds, hearts, and practices of the volunteers and the IVS organisations contributing to global solidarity and toward equity; transformation of IVS organisations’ internal structures and procedures towards equity, diversity, and environmental sustainability; wider institutional and social change; strengthening and deepening of collaboration among Programme countries and Partner countries.



Daniela Lucia CORBALAN

CCIVS Youth Committee Member, Decolonise IVS


Daniela Lucia Corbalan  is a 25 years old Social Communication student in Argentine. She’s been a volunteer for more than five years in programmes related to education, inclusion and sex education. Since 2022, together with CCIVS (Coordinating Committee of International Voluntary Services), she is participating in the Descolonise Volunteering Project which seeks to identify obstacles, solutions and opens the debate against the neo-colonization approach that the IVS has today. At the same time and also with CCIVS, she’s a member of the Youth Committee that raise the voice of young people inside of the IVS, since it’s a movement for and with youth.


Discussants are invited to take part in the Labs in order to share their experience with the presented democratic initiatives and try to bring broader perspectives to the following discussions.



Youth delegate


Arnav Khadka, a 23-year-old final year medical student, embodies the spirit of change, dynamism, and diversification. Apart from excelling in medical studies, he serves as the regional head of South East Asia in an international affairs organization headquartered in NYC, advocating for global causes. Arnav's entrepreneurial spirit shines through as the Managing Director of an Artisan Rug production company. This venture not only crafts exquisite rugs but also creates job opportunities in underprivileged regions, empowering skilled workers. He champions sustainability by incorporating eco-friendly practices and aligns his work with the Sustainable Development Goals. Arnav also directs a Kathmandu-based school, emphasizing value based education, culture, and ensuring quality education while promoting authenticity. His multifaceted approach underscores his dedication to fostering positive change and impacting lives in Nepal.



Chairperson of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development of the Parliamentary Assermbly of the Council of Europe


SAYEK 2023


Chairperson of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development (2022-2023) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


Selin Sayek Böke (Türkiye, SOC) was a member of the Turkish Parliament and Chairperson of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). She has been rapporteur for several reports regarding social and economic rights. Former economist at the International Monetary Fund, she taught Economics in the US and in Türkiye. She is currently teaching at Department of Economics, Bilkent University of Ankara, Türkiye.
