Back Solemn ceremony: "United for Ukraine - honouring the unbreakable spirit of Ukrainians in face of Russia’s aggression"


"As delivered by Marija Pejčinović Burić, Secretary General of the Council of Europe"



Chair of the Committee of Ministers,

President of the Parliamentary Assembly,

Ambassador of Ukraine, dear Boris,


Ladies and gentlemen,


This a ceremony that none of us would have wished for.

But on this date, one full year ago, the Russian Federation began its terrible campaign of aggression against our dear member state, Ukraine –

And it is right that we mark this moment.

Right, because it provides us with an opportunity to pay tribute to both the sacrifice and the strength of the Ukrainian people.

We think of course of the many Ukrainians who have lost their lives in the ongoing fight for freedom and justice.

We think of those who have been wounded, raped and tortured.

And we think about those who have been trapped, who have been too weak or vulnerable to flee, or who have simply stood their ground and refused to leave.

What things these people have seen and experienced.

The bombings, the bloodshed, the biting cold.

Despite this –

Despite the personal suffering and the pain that comes with knowing the suffering of loved ones –

Despite the fact that millions have had to leave their country in search of safety –

Ukrainians have not surrendered.

They have fought back and stood firm.

This is a country – a people – that has met cruel injustice with firm resolve.


Le courage, la force et la ténacité des Ukrainiens suscitent l'admiration.

En ce jour, il convient de saluer ces vertus.

Le Conseil de l’Europe fait son possible pour venir en aide au pays –

Pour favoriser sa résilience et contribuer à sa relance et à sa reconstruction.

Et aussi pour faire en sorte que les responsables des crimes commis dans ce pays aient à rendre compte de leurs actes.

Notre détermination est absolue –

Et notre solidarité est garantie.

Un an après le début de ce conflit atroce et illégal, nous continuons à défendre résolument une paix juste –

Et nous sommes profondément touchés, émus
et impressionnés par ce que révèlent ces évènements et que l’on appelle, à juste titre,
« l’indomptable esprit » ukrainien.

Strasbourg 24 February 2023
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