30th session (22-24 March 2016)

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Pre-Recorded Transmissions - Video and Audio Recording
Tuesday 22 March
- Communication by Jean-Claude Frécon, President of the Congress
- Local and regional democracy in France
- Presentation by Jos Wienen, the Netherlands (L, EPP/CCE), and Gudrun MOSLER-TÖRNSTRÖM, Austria (R, SOC)
- Statement by Estelle Grelier, Secretary of State for Local Authorities, attached to the Minister of Town and Country Planning (Regional Development), Rural Affairs and Local Authorities
- Ethics and transparency at local and regional level I: Overview of the situation in Europe
- Presentation by Herwig van Staa, Austria (R, EPP/CCE), Thematic Spokesperson on Promoting Public Ethics and Preventing Corruption at the Local and Regional Levels
- Statements by Professor Francesco Merloni, Member of the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority
- Statements by Marin Mrčela, Chairman of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)
- Rising to the challenges of creating intercultural societies at local level
- Presentation of the Congress Strategy to Combat Radicalisation at Grassroots Level by the rapporteur: Leen Verbeek, Netherlands (R, SOC)
- Statement by Charles Saint-Prot, Director General of the Observatory of Geopolitical Studies, Paris, France
- Statement by Alaa Murabit, Founder of the Voice of Libyan Women, Libya
- Statement by Nuria Parlon Gil, Mayor of Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Spain, member of the Intercultural Cities Network
- Statement by Mariam Inayat, Ambassador for the British Youth Council, United Kingdom
- Integrating refugees at local level
- Statement by Thorsten Klute, Secretary of State, Minister of Labour, Integration and Social Affairs of North Rhine Westphalia, Germany
- Statement by Mustafa Dündar, Mayor of Osmangazi, district of Bursa, Turkey
Wednesday 23 March
- Autonomy and borders in an evolving Europe
- Presentation by Karl-Heinz Lambertz, Belgium (R, SOC)
- Evolution of regionalisation in member States of the Council of Europe
- Presentation by Francesco Merloni, honorary President of the Group of Independent Experts
- Fighting human trafficking: The role of local authorities
- Internally displaced persons: the hidden face of the refugee crisis
- Chairmanship by Bulgaria of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
- Statement by Lilyana Pavlova, Minister of Regional Development and Public Works on behalf of the Bulgarian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers
- Observation of local elections in Ukraine
- Presentation by Jos Wienen, Netherlands (L, EPP/CCE)
- Statement by Arnoldas Abramavicius, on behalf of the members of the Committee of the Regions participating in the observation mission, Lithuania
- Post-monitoring dialogue
- Presentation by Philippe Receveur, Switzerland (R, EPP/CCE), Chair of the Monitoring Committee
- Statement by Vache Terteryan, First Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Emergency Situations, Armenia
- Statement by Tengiz Shergelashvili, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure, Georgia
- Statement by Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Ukraine
- Ceremony awarding the Congress medal to honorary members
Thursday 24 March
- Ethics and transparency at local and regional level II: Making public procurement transparent
- Statement by Elizabeth Davide- Barrett, Lecturer at the University of Sussex Centre for the Study of Corruption, United Kingdom
- Statement by Imrich Žigo, Deputy Mayor of Martin, Slovak Republic
- Conclusions of the fact-finding mission to Albania
- Presentation by Jos Wienen, the Netherlands (L, EPP/CCE)
- Statement by Alkistis Giogiou
- Local and regional democracy in the Slovak Republic
- Presentation by Artur Torres Pereira, Portugal (L, EPP/CCE)