About the project
  • Title of the Project: Strengthening Ukrainian Law Enforcement Agencies During War and Post-War Period
  • Duration: 24 months (1 January 2023 – 31 December 2024)
  • Place/ country: Ukraine
  • Budget: 1,150,000 €
  • Funding: Voluntary contributions
Project objective

The Project objective is to assist the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies to create the necessary preconditions to better implement standards and apply practices that strengthen effectiveness of investigations of human rights violations, including in the context of the ongoing war.

The Project focus and expected results
  • Representatives of law-enforcement agencies have better capacity to align relevant regulatory, institutional, strategic, and practical frameworks closer with the Council of Europe standards and address systemic problems as identified by respective ECtHR judgements with regard to the law-enforcement sector in Ukraine
  • Representatives of law enforcement agencies have an increased capacity to effectively investigate gross human rights violations in the context of war, including violations of international humanitarian law
  • Professional and operational capacities of law enforcement officers regarding prevention and effective investigation of torture and ill-treatment is enhanced
The Project beneficiaries
  • The State Bureau of Investigation
  • The Security Service of Ukraine
  • The National Police of Ukraine

In-service training - series of ToTs for SSU’s training institutions completed

13 September 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

In-service training is an essential requirement of modernity, however, in conditions of limited time and material resources during war, it is extremely difficult to ensure quality of this process. Despite this, the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) continues to build modern training system for...

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Investigators and criminologists of the State Bureau of Investigation completed practical course in aerial video shooting for evidence collection

12 September 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 29 August, 2024 and 12 September, 2024, groups of investigators and criminologists of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) completed practical two-week courses "Aerial video shooting for evidence collection". 30 specialists from all regions of Ukraine mastered skills of using unmanned...

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Ongoing development of war crimes investigation management system for the National Police of Ukraine

10 September 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

With support of the Council of Europe, Main Investigative Department and Department of War Crimes Investigation of the National Police of Ukraine (NPU) continue to work on creating a strategic model of management of war crimes investigation. As part of this process, on 10 September2024, the...

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First session on development of war crimes investigation management system for the National Police of Ukraine

23 August 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

During time of challenge and turmoil shaping strategic vision and management systems in line with short and long-term needs is of crucial importance. Leaders not only have to understand the long-term objectives of their activity, but as well determine other subjects of strategic action within the...

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ECHR standards for human rights inspectors of the National Police of Ukraine

14 August 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 13-14 August 2024 25 human rights inspectors of the National Police (NPU) from 21 region of Ukraine progressed in their knowledge of standards of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and case-law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Human rights inspectors are the key...

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Project team

Project Coordinator in Strasbourg
Bozhena Malanchuk

Project Manager in Ukraine
Olena Lunhol

Senior Project Officer / Local Legal Adviser
Ihor Koniev  

Project Assistant in Strasbourg:
Nataliya Tretyakova

Project Assistant in Ukraine:
Alyona Yerko