Presentation of CoE Report - “Strengthening the protection of national minorities in Ukraine: Executive structures and specialised dialogue mechanisms in an international perspective”, 5 March 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine

Ukraine report on protection of national minorities from Council of Europe OP Services on Vimeo.

Why fighting prejudice and hate speech matters? – Video from the CoE Seminar on combatting hate speech and prejudice targeting national minorities, 20-22 February 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine

Ukraine - Why fighting prejudice and hate speech matters? from Council of Europe OP Services on Vimeo.

Ethnic diversity is a flourishing hromada - Video 1 (in Ukrainian)


Ethnic diversity is a flourishing hromada - Video 2 (in Ukrainian)


Ethnic diversity is a flourishing hromada - Video 3 (in Ukrainian)


Some Roma women and girls continue to face discrimination in various areas of their lives, from health care to employment and education among others. They also have limited opportunities to participate in decision-making at the local level or in the country's political life. We are pleased to present you a video about the equality and active participation of Roma women in Ukraine. All video heroines have participated in Roma political schools in Ukraine and are active Roma activists. The video was prepared with the support of the Council of Europe, namely the Roma and Travelers Team.


Online training "Introduction of Romani language in the school system in Ukraine" - Part I


Interview with Mr. Dmytro Lubinets, Head of the Caucus on National Minorities and Head of the Ukrainian Parliament Committee on Human Rights and Inter-Ethnic Relations, in the framework of the information campaign "Society without prejudices" supported by the Council of Europe project “Strengthening the protection of national minorities, including Roma, and minority languages in Ukraine”

Round table: “Current issues of Roma national minority integration into Ukrainian society” organised by the Ukrainian Parliament Committee on human rights, de-occupation and reintegration of temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk, Luhansk oblasts and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol, national minorities and interethnic relations with the support of the Council of Europe project “Strengthening the protection of national minorities, including Roma, and minority languages in Ukraine” – 11 November 2021


Online presentation on codification of Romani language in Ukraine

The project "Strengthening the protection of national minorities, including Roma, and minority languages in Ukraine" in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the European Roma Institute of Art and Culture (ERIAC), Roma civil society and the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine conducts a number of activities on the development and codification of the Roma language in Ukraine.

The Romani language is protected by the European Charter of Regional or Minority Languages, the purpose of which is "the protection and development of historical regional and minority languages in Europe." The Committee of Experts calls on all member-states of the Council of Europe to strengthen the protection and development of the Romani language, as part of the European cultural heritage, in all spheres, in particular in education and cultural life. The development and preservation of the Romani language is an important element of the socio-political inclusion of the Romani community in Ukraine.

In response to the needs identified by member-states regarding the Romani language, the Council of Europe has been working for the past two years on the development of a Romani language curriculum for primary schools.