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Joint learning experience for prosecutors and investigators in ill-treatment investigation

Often do we talk about effective investigation. But what does that really mean in practice? How does this seeming general notion look like on investigator’s or prosecutor’s daily to do list? What are the indicators for effective investigation, particularly when we’re talking about torture and ill-treatment cases? Can we actually measure independence, impartiality, thoroughness, promptness and competence? And what about extend of victim involvement? When we’re talking about public scrutiny, what particular result would be the one indicating to general public that the investigation was conducted effectively?

All these and other issues were vividly discussed during our three-day workshop on effective investigation into ill-treatment. Striving to ensure our capacity building support is of ultimate applied nature, based on experience of practitioners and inclusive of all visions and approaches, we gathered investigators of the State Bureau of Investigation and prosecutors of the Office of the Prosecutor General to offer hands-on competence-based learning experience in expert-supervised setting.

The workshop helped nurture one more crucial element of effectiveness - coaction of respective investigation players. It as well helped ensure unified vision of the core of the problem and ways of addressing it.

“I see such blended learning opportunities as unique for our two institutions – we play key role in fighting ill-treatment by law-enforcement and it’s good to adjust, from time to time, our lenses in one direction”, says Yurii Bielousov, Head of Special General Prosecutor Office’s Department dealing with ill-treatment and other serious human rights violations by law-enforcement.

“Joint learning gave opportunity to openly discuss practical details that hamper or favour smooth investigation, to bring in all views and perspectives, to put oneself “in other colleagues’ shoes”, to search for common approaches and best practices, solutions”, says Andriy Savchenko, Head of Department of Pre-Trial Investigation of Main Investigative Department of the State Bureau of Investigation.

The workshop as well allowed for insights from renown national and international experts, judges, advocates, academia, included practical sessions moderated by participants’ peers, group and individual work on case studies, ECtHR judgements.

Workshop on effective investigation into ill-treatment
Kyiv, Ukraine 16-18 September 2020
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