Back How does the Istanbul Convention guide countries’ actions against violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic?

How does the Istanbul Convention guide countries’ actions against violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic?

As we enter into our second year battling the COVID-19 pandemic, the Council of Europe marks this International Women’s Day with the solemn recognition that since the outbreak of the pandemic, a dramatic increase has been reported in recorded cases of violence against women and domestic violence in Europe.  Policies of isolation and confinement have led to increased levels of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence against women – and therefore to a heightened need for victim protection.  Thousands of women are in lock-down with violent partners. Keeping safe from the virus, slowing down its spread and making sure our health systems can cope are of crucial importance, but we need to be aware that the restrictions on movement offer perpetrators additional power and control.  The economic consequences of the pandemic, such as loss of job or income, creates or exacerbates financial dependency of women and reduces the ability to leave perpetrators.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women is exposing the true extent of violence against women and domestic violence and is a wake-up call to action. The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention), now celebrating its 10th anniversary since opening for signature, equips countries to prevent violence against women.  Given COVID-19 and the rise of violence against women, the convention is needed now more than ever before.

The Council of Europe has noted that many countries are working toward developing innovative approaches toward safeguarding women’s human rights during the pandemic. Never before has the need been greater to ensure that such innovative solutions form part of a concerted effort from governments to women’s organisations to communities to keep women safe from violence.

The Declaration of the Committee of the Parties

The Committee of the States Parties to the Istanbul Convention has declared that the convention continues to vitally apply during the pandemic and is a source of guidance for governmental action during the pandemic. With a focus on 14 specific articles of the Istanbul Convention, the Committee of the Parties provides examples of how governments may react to the rise in cases of violence against women.

This valuable tool for governments and civil society organisations has been translated into Ukrainian under the CoE project ‘Combatting Violence against Women in Ukraine’, to support efforts to provide robust protection of victims of gender-based violence against women during this health crisis.

Kyiv, Ukraine 5 March 2021
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