Back IAP Briefing, August 2015

IAP Briefing, August 2015

Requests for information

In February and April 2015 the Panel sent requests for information to the principal investigation authorities, namely the Prosecutor General’s Office (the PGO), and the Ministry of the Interior (MoI), together with the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), the Verkhovna Rada, the Ombudsperson, the Mayor of Odesa, the Head of the Odesa State Administration and the Odesa Regional Healthcare Department. Responses were received from all the addressees by mid-May. Through its Internet page, the Panel also invited NGOs to make submissions concerning the adequacy of investigations into the events of 2 May in Odesa.

Examination of the information submitted

The Panel made two visits to Ukraine in early June and late July 2015. On 1-3 June it met in Kyiv with representatives of the PGO, MoI, SSU, the chair of the Verkhovna Rada’s Temporary Investigation Commission, and representatives of the Ombudsperson’s Office. A joint meeting was held with representatives of NGOs, including Amnesty International Ukraine, Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, and Centre for Civil Liberties. On 4 June the Panel travelled to Odesa to meet representatives of the Main Investigations Department of the PGO. On the same day it held a meeting with the 2 May Group, an NGO carrying out its own investigation into the violent events.

Following the June meetings the Panel requested further written information, and then returned to Kyiv and Odesa. On 28 July the Panel met in Kyiv with representatives of the PGO. On 29-30 July the Panel held meetings in Odesa with representatives from the Main Investigations Departments of the PGO and MoI, respectively. A meeting with 2 May Group, as well as meetings with lawyers of victims and of defendants, also took place during the visit.

Steps towards a final report

Another round of enquiries will be sent to the relevant actors soon. Upon receipt of submissions and up-to-date information on the status of all the investigations under review, the Panel will concentrate on finalisation of its Report. The Panel’s objective is to adopt its Report by the end of October 2015.

In fulfilment of its Mandate concerning the investigations into the events in Odesa on 2 May 2014, the Panel will submit its Report to the Secretary General and to the Ukrainian authorities, making public the date of its submission.

Strasbourg 07 August 2015
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