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Back The Project “Strengthening the Human Rights Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine” is finalized in Luhansk region by supporting integration activity for students

The Project “Strengthening the Human Rights Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine” is finalized in Luhansk region by supporting integration activity for students

On 25-26 November 2017, non-governmental organization “Prosvita” supporting by the Council of Europe Project “Strengthening the Human Rights Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine”, organized a forum-theater for students.

The event was held in Starobilsk at the Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. The University was moved from Luhansk in 2014.

Participants in the forum-theater were students of different faculties and courses.

Among them representatives of the host community, displaced persons as well as young people who came to study from the settlements located in the “grey zone” took part.

Based on the peculiarities of the forum-theater interactive methodology, the trainers introduced students to its capabilityy to act as a complete tool for dialogue, development of cooperative skills, and establishing trust in a group.

During the event, participants were able to identify and discuss the actual problems of Starobilsk community, to share their own experience, to find alternative solutions for conflict situations.

Young people had a space for communication and integration, formulating and expressing their own opinions.

During meetings and performances participants discussed interesting for them socially sensitive topics, in particular, transparency of state institutions, access to health services, prevention of violence against women.

One of the central topics on which forum-theater groups were working on was - stereotypes and prejudices towards internally displaced persons, youth and students. Each participant through the performance offered one’s own solution. It gave a possibility to define, to recreate, to live through a difficult life situation, to get an experience of active civic participation and public performance.

By this integration activity the Project “Strengthening the Human Rights Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine” has finalized its implementation in Luhansk region.
Luhansk region 4 December
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