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Back Presentations of the application “IDPRights” held in Zaporizhia, Pavlograd and Mariupol

Presentations of the application “IDPRights” held in Zaporizhia, Pavlograd and Mariupol

In June 2019 the Council of Europe Project “Internal Displacement in Ukraine: Building Solutions” organized presentations of the mobile application on the protection of the rights of internally displaced persons which took place in Zaporizhia, Pavlograd and Mariupol.

All-Ukrainian Charity Foundation “Gorenie” has developed the application “IDPRights” in 2018.

The Council of Europe Project “Internal Displacement in Ukraine: Building Solutions” supported the development of the content of the several sections and continues to promote the tool among internally displaced persons, legal professionals and public servants.

More than 80 persons representing state agencies, NGOs and international organizations working with IDPs as well as lawyers, media and IDP-activists attended the presentations.

After the presentations 1000 promotion posters and leaflets will be placed in social services and IDP-oriented organizations in Dnipro, Donetsk and Zaporizhia regions, encouraging users to download the tool.

The application contains step-by-step solution algorithms for the topic issues of IDPs and includes links to the templates of the needed documentation.

The app allows to follow the news and legislation amendments in the field of internal displacement, to receive an information on the activities of the organizations working on social and legal protection of IDPs, and to communicate with the lawyers of the Charity Foundation “Gorenie”.

The app “IDPRights” can be downloaded for free through the Google Play link.

Zaporizhia, Pavlograd, Mariupol 2 July 2019
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          +38 044 425 02 62

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