This project seeks to consolidate the partnership established with institutions in the field of combating hate speech in Ukraine, including the network and co-operation developed during the systemic hate speech mapping process. It will reinforce national remedies against hate speech, continue the work initiated with state institutions to respond to discrimination and hate speech in line with European standards and work with non-state stakeholders and public authorities to use human rights narratives and education to counter hate speech online.

The project is implemented within the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Partnership for Good Governance” running from 1 March 2023 to 31 August 2025. It builds on the results of the previous phases of the Partnership for Good Governance in the field of promoting equality and non-discrimination (Phase I 2015-2018 and Phase II 2019-2023).

What is the goal and objective of the project?

The objective of the project is to improve co-operation among stakeholders to prevent and combat hate speech in Ukraine, including better protection of vulnerable groups and more accessible redress mechanisms in line with European standards and best practices.

Who benefits from the project?
  • Office of Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Coordinating Centre for Legal Aid Providing
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, National Police of Ukraine
  • State Service of Ukraine for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience
  • Office of the Prosecutor General, Prosecutor's Training Center of Ukraine
  • National School of Judges of Ukraine
  • National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council of Ukraine
  • Commission of journalistic ethic
  • Civil society organisations
  • General public
How does the project work?

Project works through a combination of tailored policy/legislative, capacity-building and awareness raising actions.

What do we expect to achieve?

Ukrainian institutions improve co-ordination and quality of data collection regarding hate speech based on common understanding of hate speech.

Build capacity of public sector involved in monitoring and redress of hate speech based on ECRI GPR No. 15. and the Recommendation on combatting hate speech CM/Rec(2022)16.

Relevant stakeholders (state and non-state actors) build common understanding of hate speech in time of crisis and the role of educational and awareness-rising tools to respond to it.

CSO, especially groups targeted by hate speech, are supported to respond using counter narratives and raising awareness activities towards the general public.

What is the budget of the project?

The total budget of the project is 370 000 Euros.

How to get more information?

Maja Stojanovic, senior project officer  
Igor Nosach, project officer 

About the PGG

The “Partnership for Good Governance” (PGG) is a joint initiative of the European Union and the Council of Europe for strengthening good governance in the Eastern Partnership region*.

PGG provides tailor-made support to Eastern Partnership countries to bring their legislation and practice closer to European standards in the fields of human rights, rule of law and democracy. Progress in the EU accession agenda is in focus for Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, as are improved European perspectives for Georgia. The Partnership for Good Governance programme will also continue supporting Armenia and Azerbaijan and is also foreseen to support co-operation with Belarusian democratic forces and civil society.  


* While the Partnership for Good Governance does not include activities with the participation of the Belarusian authorities, activities may be organised with the representatives of Belarusian civil society and democratic forces as appropriate in line with the European Council Conclusions of February 2022 and the Decision of the Council of Europe Ministers’ Deputies of March 2022.

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