Back The Guide on the case-law of the European Convention on Human Rights in the field of social rights is available in Ukrainian

The Guide on the case-law of the European Convention on Human Rights in the field of social rights is available in Ukrainian

The Guide on the case-law of the European Convention on Human Rights in the field of social rights has been translated into Ukrainian in the framework of the Council of Europe project "Enhanced social protection in Ukraine", implemented within the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” 2023-2026.

This translated Guide summarises and analyses the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights concerning social rights. It covers issues such as health, labour rights, trade union rights, social benefits and pensions as well as certain emerging issues such as housing, rights of specific vulnerable groups etc.

Whilst the European Convention on Human Rights sets forth what are essentially civil and political rights, many of them have implications of a social or economic nature. Through its case-law, the Europe Court of Human Rights has interpreted various Articles of the Convention as giving rise to certain rights which can be considered to be of a social nature. There is no watertight division separating social and economic rights from the field covered by the Convention. Furthermore, certain rights protected under the Convention and its Protocols are also regulated with greater detail, under the European Social Charter (1961 Charter, or Revised Charter, adopted in 1996) including trade union rights, the prohibition of forced labour, the right to education or the prohibition of discrimination. Both treaty systems are complementary and interdependent.

This Guide focuses on different thematical issues and on how they relate to various Convention Articles.

The Council of Europe project "Enhanced social protection in Ukraine" is aimed to attain that vulnerable groups of people, including war-affected population in Ukraine, enjoy improved level of social rights and social protection. 

Kyiv, Ukraine 11 August 2023
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