Back Smart cities at a glance: peer visit to the local authorities-winners of the National Best Practice Contest

Smart cities at a glance: peer visit to the local authorities-winners of the National Best Practice Contest

The second peer visit on the “Best practices of local self-government in the area of transparency and accountability” was held in Drohobych and Ivano-Frankivsk on 4-5 June 2018. The event was organised by the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and local government reform in Ukraine” jointly with the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Municipal Economy of Ukraine and with the support of Drohobych and Ivano-Frankivsk City Councils.

Representatives of the media – finalists of the National media contest on coverage of local self-government and decentralisation reform participated in the visit.

During two days delegation learned about innovative practices that were successfully implemented in Drohobych and Ivano-Frankivsk, namely concept of smart city, instruments for sustainable development of communities, open data, interactive e-services, mobile applications for citizens and tourists, etc.  Success stories of these cities were highlighted by the hosts of the event: in Drohobych – Head of IT and Analysis Division Stanislav HAIDER and Director of Drohobych City Institute Volodymyr KONDZOLKA, in Ivano-Frankivsk – City Mayor Ruslan MARTSINKIV, Head of IT Division Andrii CHAIKIVSKYI and Director of Housing, Communal Policy and Urban Development Department Mykhailo SMUSHAK. In addition, representatives of 10 local authorities – finalists of the Contest “Best practices of local self-government” 2017 presented their projects and exchanged practical information on their implementation. Thus, Deputy Dunaivtsi City Mayor Nadiia SLIUSARCHYK (ATC, Khmelnytska oblast) revealed the secrets of community’s cohesion through communication with the residents: the community amalgamated in 2015 and included 50 villages. Chief Medical Officer of Voznesensk Central Rayon Hospital (Mykolaiv Oblast) Volodymyr KRASIOKHA shared experience of improvement of the quality of medical services provision in Voznesensk through enhancing capacity and implementation of electronic communication "patient-doctor". The detailed programme of the event (in Ukrainian) is here.

During the walking tour in Ivano-Frankivsk along the municipal services accessibility routes, participants of the seminar observed reconstructed pedestrian crossings adjusted to the needs of people with reduced mobility, renovated parking slots, squares, city maps with QR codes and audio guides, modern public transport stops with electronic displays, free Wi-Fi and mobile phones battery chargers, etc.

In the framework of the visit the Council of Europe presented promotional video dedicated to the best practices of Ivano-Frankivsk – five times winner of the Contest.

The third seminar on “Practices of regions and communities development, based on their own strategies and resources” will be held in September 2018.

Presentations (in Ukrainian) here:

Мінрегіон_Яровенко Наталія_
Рада Європи_Огляд Конкурсу Кращих Практик_Абрам’юк
Рада Європи_Огляд Конкусів ЗМІ_ГУК
Дрогобицька міська рада_Гайдер Станіслав та Кондзьолка Володимир
Вознесенська міська рада_КРАСЬОХА Володимир
Немішаївська селищна рада_Сергій ЗАМІДРА
Слобожанська селищна рада_ОВЧИННИКОВ Руслан
Івано-Франківська міська рада_ЧАЙКІВСЬКИЙ Андрій
Івано-Франківська міська рада_СМУШАК Михайло
Харківська обласна рада_ЖИЛА Наталія
Черкаська міська рада_ЖОВНІР Роман
Новоукраїнська міська рада_КОРІННИЙ Олександр
Дунаєвецька міська рада_СЛЮСАРЧИК Надія
Мереф’янська міська рада_ГРИНЕНКО Аліса
Баранівська міська рада_ДЕМ’ЯНЮК Олена
Драбівецька сільська рада_ГЕРАСИМЕНКО Олександр


Smart cities at a glance - Drogobych and Ivano-Frankivsk Photo gallery of the visit here.
Kyiv, Ukraine 14 June 2018
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