Back Presentation of the training programme for the lawyers on the European Social Charter and the case-law of the European Committee on Social Rights

Presentation of the training programme for the lawyers on the European Social Charter and the case-law of the European Committee on Social Rights

On 14 May 2021 the presentation of the training programme for the lawyers on the European Social Charter and the case-law of the European Committee on Social Rights will be held online. Training programme handbook for the lawyers was developed within the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Promoting social human rights as a key factor of sustainable democracy in Ukraine”.

The key objectives of the event are to present the training programme for lawyers for consideration by the training and vocational institutions for lawyers in Ukraine, public authorities, higher education institutions, professional public associations and civil society. To confirm the commitment to integrate the training programme into vocational and qualification programmes for lawyers in Ukraine.

The registration for the presentation is open via the link.

The presentation starts at 14:00.

Join presentation via the link.

Conference ID: 846 4358 6747

Passcode: 798982

Simultaneous interpretation from Ukrainian into English and vice versa will be provided by the organizers.

Kyiv, Ukraine 11 May 2021
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