Back Peer visits to the local authorities-winners of the National Best Practice Contest in 2018 began in Khmelnytskyi oblast

Peer visits to the local authorities-winners of the National Best Practice Contest in 2018 began in Khmelnytskyi oblast

On 22-23 May 2018 the first peer visit on the results of the National Contest “Best practices of local self-government” 2017 was conducted. Seminar on “Best practices in local government: co-operation between communities and co-operation within communities – key to successful regional and local development” was organised by the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and local government reform in Ukraine” jointly with the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Municipal Economy of Ukraine and with the support of Khmelnytskyi Oblast and Dunaivtsi City Councils. The delegation comprised more than 30 persons from 12 regions of Ukraine, in particular representatives of local self-government authorities of all levels, their associations, local executive authorities, Council of Europe Office, as well as regional media - participants and finalists of the National media contest on coverage of local self-government and decentralisation reform.

Head of Khmelnytskyi Oblast Council Mykhailo ZAHORODNYI and Head of Khmelnytskyi Oblast State Administration Vadym LOZOVYI welcomed the participants and briefly outlined the main achievements of the local self-government reform in oblast and emphasised on the need to collect and disseminate success stories. Leadership of the oblast authorities expressed their belief that the aforementioned contests are effective tools for this, in addition from 2017 Khmelnytskyi Oblast Council annually conducts the regional media contest on coverage of local self-government reform, decentralisation and best practices in the region.

In the framework of the event participants visited Dunaivtsi (city) amalgamated territorial community and learned about the practices in the area of methodological cabinet establishment and provision of methodological support in hromada’s educational institutions, formation of volunteer fire brigades, had a meeting with Vorobiivka, Ivankivtsi and Minkivtsi counties starostas, discovered about the history of Minkivtsi state and tourism development in Dunaivtsi, in particular equestrian sport and hippotherapy, visited kindergarten and centre for provision of administrative services. In addition, the delegation visited the department of social and psychological rehabilitation of Nova Ushytsa amalgamated territorial community.

Presentations (in Ukrainian) here.

Семенівська районна рада_Світлана ФЕДЕНКО.pdf

Решетилівська районна рада_Оксана ХИЛЬ Презентація.pdf

Рада Європи_Огляд Конкусів ЗМІ_ГУК.pdf

Рада Європи_Огляд Конкурсу Кращих Практик_Абрам’юк.pdf

Мінрегіон_Наталія Яровенко.pdf

Іванковецький старостинський округ_Презентація_23.05.2018.pdf

Дунаєвецька міська рада_Володимир Колісник_22.05.2018.pdf

Борівська районна рада_Олена Клименко Презентація.pdf


First Peer Visit National Best Practice Contest 2018

Photo gallery of the visit here.

To watch video report of Dunaivtsi City Mayor Velina Zaiats for 2018 click here

Kyiv, Ukraine 13 June 2018
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