Back From communal to independent media: CoE and EU present an online course on destatization of print media

The online course “From communal to independent media: step-by-step guide for the editors” starts on 2 October 2017. It is developed with the support of the Project “Freedom of Media in Ukraine”, implemented within the framework of the Council of Europe and the European Union Partnership for Good Governance joint programme. The online course is aimed at facilitation of the state and communal print mass media outlets’ destatization in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On reform of state and communal print mass media” with regard to bringing their activity in compliance with the European standards on freedom of speech.

The course is intended for editors and personnel of the reforming state and communal media, as well as for lawyers assisting them during the destatization.

Besides, the course will be interesting and useful for all media outlets working in Ukraine and wishing to gain modern knowledge, broaden their audience and be successful.

The trainers of the course are famous journalists, editors, media experts, sociologists, attorneys, lawyers, research companies’ officers.

During the 5-weeks course learners will get acquainted with such issues as: general principles of the reform, first steps towards destatization, media management, human resources and staff management, media content, advertisement, sales, audience research, as well as legal issues of print media destatization, including copyright and other legal aspects of working with information.


Link to the course on Prometheus platform (available in Ukrainian only):

This course has been produced as part of a project co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe. The views express herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of either party.

Project “Freedom of Media in Ukraine” is aimed to improve freedom, independence, pluralism and diversity of media in Ukraine.
Kyiv, Ukraine 03 October 2017
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