Back Call for university teachers of legal disciplines to participate in the training on the Council of Europe standards in the sphere of social rights

Call for university teachers of legal disciplines to participate in the training on the Council of Europe standards in the sphere of social rights

The Council of Europe project "Enhanced social protection in Ukraine" is announcing the call for the selection of the Ukrainian university teachers of legal disciplines to participate in the training of trainers on the Council of Europe standards in the sphere of social rights: European Social Charter and case law of the European Committee of Social Rights.

In order to participate in the selection, please fill out the form at the link until 10 October 2023.

The training of trainers will take place on 1-2 November 2023 in Krakow (Poland). The Project will ensure the organisation of training with the participation of leading experts, educational materials, as well as meals provision, accommodation, and travel for its participants. The working language of the training is Ukrainian.

The selected participants must have a valid biometric passport and necessary documents for crossing the border. Preference in the selection will be given to those participants who have not yet undergone similar trainings on the European Social Charter from the Council of Europe.

Should you have any question, please contact us at e-mail.

The Council of Europe Project "Enhanced social protection in Ukraine" is implemented by the Council of Europe within the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” for 2023-2026. The Project is aimed to attain that vulnerable groups of people, including war-affected population in Ukraine, enjoy improved level of social rights and social protection.

Kyiv, Ukraine 28 September 2023
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Action Plan 2023-2026


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