Back CALL FOR TENDER – Purchase of services on conducting of a sociological study

CALL FOR TENDER – Purchase of services on conducting of a sociological study

The Council of Europe is currently implementing the project “Further support for the execution by Ukraine of judgments in respect of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights” (hereinafter – the Project), which, among other things, provides the necessary support to the Ukrainian authorities in solving one of the most complex and multifaceted problem of non-execution of national judgments in Ukraine identified by the European Court of Human Rights in the Burmych group of cases (“Zhovner v. Ukraine”, “Yuriy Nikolayevich Ivanov v. Ukraine”, “Burmych and others v. Ukraine”).

In that context, the Project is looking for a Provider to organise and deliver a sociological study on the attitude of the target audience towards the problem of non-execution of national judgments and mechanisms proposed by the Ukrainian Government for its elimination in the context of the execution of the Burmych group of cases.

Deadline for the submission of offers: 11:00 (Kyiv time) March 18, 2021.

All the offers should be sent to the email: [email protected] with the subject “Tender 8683/2021/10_sociological study”.

All questions shall be submitted at least 5 (five) working days before the deadline for submission of the tenders and shall be exclusively addressed to the email: [email protected] with the following reference in subject:Questions- Tender 8683/2021/10_sociological study”.

Eligibility criteria

  • Minimum 3 years of experience of provision of services in the fields of sociological surveys, research and analysis;
  • The tenderer should be registered as a legal entity under the Ukrainian legislation and should be authorised to provide the services in question.

Award criteria

  • Quality of the offer (70%), including:
    • Technical prposal (50%);
    • Demnstrated expertise of the Tenderer in conducting sociological studies (surveys) on the rule of law, ensuring the right to fair trial, and/or execution of the ECtHR judgments in Ukraine (20%).  
  • Financial offer (30%)

Tenderers are invited to submit the following documents:

  • A completed and signed copy of the Act of Engagement (see Act of Engagement)
  • Copies of documents certifying the registration of the Tenderer under the Ukrainian legislation with a brief summary translation in English;
  • A detailed description of the Tenderer and its experience in provision of services in question;
  • Technical proposal describing:

1) Draft list of questions (at least 10) to organise semi-structured interviews regarding the problem of non-execution of national judgments and mechanisms proposed by the Ukrainian Government for its elimination (in the context of the execution of the Burmych group of cases);

2) Timeline of the sociological study;

3) CVs of the suggested personal to be involved in the activity.

  • Examples of a report (or reports) of the Tenderer prepared following a sociological study (survey) with regard to the rule of law, ensuring the right to fair trial, execution of the ECtHR judgments in Ukraine (optional);
  • Examples of other analytical documents prepared by the Tenderer (optional);
  • Detailed financial offer.

For more information and details on the terms and conditions of the present tender, please see the following documents:

  1. Tender File
  2. Act of Engagement
Kyiv, Ukraine 01 March 2021
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