Back ANNOUNCEMENT: Round Table for Executive Directors of the Regional Councils

ANNOUNCEMENT: Round Table for Executive Directors of the Regional Councils

On 14 May 2018 the Parliamentary Committee in State Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government in co-operation with National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service and the Council of Europe Programme "Decentralisation and local government reform in Ukraine" will organise Round Table discussions on legal basis of the local servant statuse within the framework of the decentralisation reform.

The second day of the event will be dedicated to the issues of development of modern and effective public service in local authorities taking into account the goals of the Concept of Reform of the Training System for Public representatives in Ukraine approved by the Governmental Order dd. 01 December 2017 № 974-р. The Booklet with the text of the Concept you could find here.

More information in Ukrainian.
Kyiv, Ukraine 03 May 2018
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