Back Analysis on the effectiveness of social support in Ukraine for the main target groups – a new analysis has been published

Analysis on the effectiveness of social support in Ukraine for the main target groups – a new analysis has been published

The Center of Public Finance and Public Governance Analysis of the Kyiv School of Economics, with the support of the Council of Europe Project “Promoting Social Human Rights as a Key Factor of Sustainable Democracy in Ukraine”, has conducted analysis of the effectiveness of legal framework for provision of social support in Ukraine.

The study analysed the provision of social assistance to five key groups of recipients:

● people with disabilities;

● low-income families;

● persons affected by the Chornobyl disaster;

● families with children;

● retirees.

The purpose of this study was to analyse the legal framework of Ukraine in terms of regulation of social support to citizens in Ukraine and the effectiveness of such social support, taking into consideration the reports on implementation of profile budget programs of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, notifications from local authorities and the previous studies.

Within the research, 113 regulations, including 38 laws and 75 resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine governing the provision of social benefits to 5 groups of recipients, were analysed and the matrixes of benefits for each target groups were developed in terms of support and benefits each subtype of citizens are entitled to (for example, single mothers, people with disabilities of different groups, large families, etc.).

According to the results of the research, the current regulation of social support has significant shortcomings that need to be addressed. For instance, the statutory and actual amount of assistance from the State may differ significantly depending on the type of social support due to the State and local authorities’ capacity to fund such assistance. As a result, the number of people applying for assistance may be much higher than the actual number of recipients. At the same time, some types of benefits, despite the pledged funds, are simply not in demand. There is also unfair difference in cost between benefits that are similar,” said Ms Daryna Marchak, co-author of the research, Head of the Center of Public Finance and Public Governance Analysis of the Kyiv School of Economics.

According to Ms Siuzanna Mnatsakanyan, Senior Project Officer of the Council of Europe Project “Promoting Social Human Rights as a Key Factor of Sustainable Democracy in Ukraine”, - the research should help improve the system and ensure the most effective protection of citizens while increasing effectiveness of the budget spending.

Information on the shortcomings of the legal framework of the social support system, which lead to inefficient use of the State and local budget funds, can assist the State to enhance the quality and effectiveness of social protection of Ukrainian citizens; ensure that the State support is directed to those who find themselves in the most difficult life circumstances, and ensure the most efficient use of taxpayers' funds for these needs”, she noted.

Analysis of the effectiveness of legislative regulation of social assistance in Ukraine for the main target groups is available via the link (Ukrainian only)

Kyiv, Ukraine 22 July 2021
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