The main partners and beneficiaries of the Project are the Public Prosecution Service of Ukraine, including prosecutorial self-governance and support bodies, and the National Academy of Prosecutors of Ukraine; the Coordination Centre for Legal Aid Providing and the centres providing free secondary legal aid; legal professionals.

The main objective of the Project is to support the implementation of the criminal justice reform in Ukraine, ensuring full compliance with the relevant Council of Europe standards.

The following results are expected:

  • The reform of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (PPO) of Ukraine is implemented according to the Council of Europe’s standards and best practices,
  • The system of free legal aid (FLA) of Ukraine is supported in view of ensuring the access to quality legal assistance, as part of the right of access to justice in line with Council of Europe standards,
  • Active public participation is facilitated in the processes of reforming the PPO and strengthening the FLA system, public confidence in these institutions is increased

Project information

  • Duration: 42 months (1 September 2015 - 30 June 2019)
  • Place/ country: Ukraine
  • Budget: 2 900 000 €
  • Funding: Voluntary contribution - Government of Denmark

Project documentation

Useful links

Experts opinions

  • Opinion of the Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law, Council of Europe on the Draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine (Regarding ensuring a right to a fair sentence for certain category of convicted persons)" (Draft Law of Ukraine No.2033a) DG-I (2017) 02 ENG
  • Opinion of the Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law, Directorate of Human Rights of the Council of Europe on the Draft Law of Ukraine "On amending the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine regarding the peculiarities of forfeiture to the state of monies, currency valuables, Ukrainian government bonds, Ukrainian treasury bonds, precious metals and/or stones, other valuables and proceeds from them before the delivery of judgment", DG-I (2016) 7 ENG - UKR
  • Opinion of the Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law, Directorate of Human Rights of hte Council of Europe on the Draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine in connection with the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Amending the Constitution of Ukraine (as to Justice” (with regard to the improvement of the performance of the Qualifications and Disciplinary Commission of Prosecutors) ENG - UKR

Needs assessments reports

  • Assessment of the free secondary legal aid system in Ukraine in the light of Council of Europe standards and best practices ENG - UKR



  • Comparative study on initial training for Public Prosecutors ENG - UKR
  • Comparative study on prosecutional self-governance in the Council of Europe member states ENG - UKR
  • Human Rights and Criminal Procedure, 2nd edition UKR
  • Prosecutorial self-governance and bodies supporting the prosecution activities ENG - UKR
  • Professional career of the Public Prosecutor ENG - UKR

Success stories

Video of the Council of Europe Project "Continued Support to the criminal justice reform in Ukraine"

Project news