Back History Education in the Digital Age

“History Education in the Digital Age” is the title of the second forum of the intergovernmental programme of the Council of Europe on history education, organised in cooperation with the Flemish Department of Education and Training and the Ministère de la Fération Wallonie-Bruxelles. It will take place in Brussels, on 7 – 8 March 2023 and will bring together experts on history education to discuss critical perspectives on the contemporan ways to deliver history education.
History Education in the Digital Age

The intergovernmental programme on history education has been an initiative of the Council of Europe for the past 70 years, with an extensive experience in standard setting and cooperation on crucial topics such as textbooks reform, new practices in history teaching and bilateral and regional activities.

At a time when historical falsifications and manipulations are rampant on social networks, history can be used as a tool for propaganda to justify the unjustifiable. In this context, historical education through all its vectors (formal education, in history / history-geography classes but also in civic education; non-formal education; commemorations, visits to places of remembrance, etc.) has an essential role to play in promoting the contribution of critical thinking as a democratic foundation in order to respond to contemporary challenges.

The aim of the Second forum of the intergovernmental project is to provide an overview of the challenges and solutions in history education – as an all-encompassing concept, including history teaching – in the digital age. It includes two workshops brought by renowned initiatives in Remembrance and history education, an experience of the power of AI through a chat with Napoleon but also debates and exchanges of ideas on “How history methods can be useful for digital literacy” and the consequences of the digital age on history education.

Full programme here.

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Conference Brussels, Belgium 7-8 March 2023
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