Dissemination seminars
Co-organised, and in some cases co-financed by partnerships between the History Education Unit of the Council of Europe and different institutions and/or organisations, regional seminars for the dissemination of Shared histories for a Europe without dividing lines were held in:
Estonia, Centre for Innovation in Education, Tallinn University, 6-8 October 2014
Focus – Connecting local, regional and European history using electronic tools in teaching.
Slovenia, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, 23-24 October 2014
Focus – Using the e-book in schools: debating and sharing new pedagogical approaches.
Portugal, National Museum of Archaeology, Lisbon, 25-26 March 2015
Focus – Bridging the gap between formal and non-formal education.
Serbia, Hotel Park, Belgrade, 3-4 June 2015
Focus – Teaching and learning history for conflict and violence prevention in contemporary diverse
European societies.
Dissemination in the framework of the Council of Europe bilateral co-operation programme
The e-book was used actively within the bilateral activities organised by the Council of Europe in the following countries:
Cyprus, Nicosia, Home for Co-operation:
- How to teach and learn history appreciating its diversity, : gender issues in history, 11-12 October 2013
- How to deal with stereotypes when teaching about sensitive issues in history, 28 February – 1 March 2014
- The city as a living museum, November 2014
- The use of visual sources: arts, films, videos, and cartoons, 13-14 March 2015.
Serbia, Belgrade:
- Seminar on how to deal with stereotypes and prejudices when presenting the image of the other in
history teaching, 18-19 June 2014.
- Workshop on Human rights in teaching and learning history in multicultural inclusive societies, 23 – 24 October 2013.
Turkey, Istanbul:
– Dissemination seminar of the Council of Europe intergovernmental project Shared histories for a
Europe without dividing lines, Kemerburgaz University, Istanbul, 19 November 2015.
Focus – (a) how the e-book can help teachers to use multiperspectivity when teaching history;
(b) teaching human rights through history; (c) how the e-book can help teachers to teach history in
diverse societies; and (d) how the e-book can facilitate presentation of the image of the other when
teaching and learning history.
Other seminars and conferences
The e-book was also disseminated through other activities not directly organised by the History Education Unit of the Council of Europe, but where one or more Council of Europe experts made presentations on specific features or topics of the e-book or animated workshops. These activities were thematic and the Council of Europe experts showed the potential of the e-book as an open resource that contains examples adaptable to different topics.
Such seminars and/or conferences were held in:
Denmark, Helsingør, EUROCLIO 22nd Annual Conference, 20-22 April 2015.
Focus – Roads to democracy – can history teaching pave the way?
Estonia, Tallinn, First Baltic Regional Summer Academy, 21-27 August 2015
Focus – Local partnerships for human rights through history.
Finland, Helsinki, 2nd Conference of the Council of Europe National Focal Points on Gender Equality, 9-10 October 2014.
Focus – Combating gender stereotypes in and through education
Portugal, Lisbon, ICOM, The International Council of Museums – Portugal XII Annual Spring
Conference, 24 March 2015.
Focus – Education, museums and Europe.
United Kingdom, London, EUROCLIO International training seminar on how to use digital resources for cross-border history education: new tools and approaches, 12-17 April 2014.
Organised by EUROCLIO, in partnership with the Schools History Project, History Teacher Education
Network (UK), Institute of Education (University of London) and Imperial War Museums.
United Kingdom, London, International Centre for Education and Democratic Citizenship Annual Conference, UCL Institute of Education, 15 June 2015.
Focus – Education in multicultural settings: the struggle for human rights.
The Evaluation Report (2014-2015) presents the results of the dissemination phase of the Shared histories intergovernmental project, and an analysis of the results achieved within the dissemination period, as well as the lessons learned and ways forward.