Recommended Hotels

These hotels have been pre-booked, when making your reservation please use this reference code "CONFRE":

These hotels are also pre-booked but will not recognise the above-mentioned code:

These hotels are available until 30 April 2019. We strongly recommend you use the email addresses for booking directly and also use the reference code provided.

The Ibis Bratislava Centrum Hotel and Falkensteiner Hotel Bratislava are both within walking distance of Bratislava Castle. The other hotels are a further out but there is a trolleybus stop very near to all three of them that goes directly to the Bratislava Castle, it is 5 minute ride on public transport


The organisers do not provide any assistance in visa application.

You must visit the embassy or consulate general in person in order to submit your visa application.

For more information, please visit the website of the Slovakian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Working languages
Simultaneous interpretation in English, French, Slovakian and Russian will be provided at the Conference.
Tourist information

Link to the official site where you can find maps and basic information about the city

See also websites Welcome to Bratislava and Slovak National Museum

More about Bratislava Castle