Specific projects in Poland

Main activities:

  • Leadership Academy Programme (LAP) 
  • Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
  • European Label for Governance’ Excellence (ELOGE)

The first round of LAP was organised in co-operation with the Polish Foundation to Support Local Democracy (FRDL). About 12 trainers and 20 mayors and executive secretaries were trained during a specially organised training of trainers and 3 stages of the leadership academy.

Starting from 2016, the Foundation organised and provided the LAP independently, with the help of the Council of Europe-trained experts.

A very comprehensive TNA was conducted in co-operation with the Foundation at the end of 2015 – beginning of 2016. It included a survey of almost 2000 local authorities and the process contributed significantly to the revision and updating of the original tool. The results of the Polish TNA and the updated tool were presented at a large international conference in Warsaw in June 2016. The Polish case study was included into the revised tool for Training Needs Analysis and National Training Strategy (TNA-NTS).


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