Powrót Italy: Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe - an integrated model for sustainable territorial development

Italy: Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe - an integrated model for sustainable territorial development

On 7 October, in the framework of LuBeC - Lucca Beni Culturali (Lucca, Italy), the Italian ministry of Culture and Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali(FSBAC) jointly organised the meeting “Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: an integrated model for sustainable territorial development ”. The meeting brought together for the first time representatives of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe crossing Italy, representatives of regions active in the promotion of Cultural Routes and the ministries potentially interested, in order to explore the possibilities and opportunities to articulate integrated strategies focussing on certified Cultural Routes.


Paolo VERDONE, Director of Services III and VI, Secretariat-General of the Ministry of Culture; Alessandra VITTORINI, Director of the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali, and Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, opened the meeting, moderated by Francesca NERI (FSBAC).

The debate was enriched by the speeches from Giuliana DE FRANCESCO, Representative of Italy in the EPA on behalf of the ministry of Culture; Eleonora BERTI, Expert (FSBAC); and by the presentations from Raffaella CARIA (Route of the Historical thermal towns), Davide ROSSO (In the footsteps of the Huguenots and the Valdensians), Claudia CASTELLUCCI (ATRIUM). Federico ELIGI (Regione Toscana) and Silvio MARINO (Regione Lazio) presented the initiatives related to Cultural Routes carried out by their respective regions.


During the last session of the meeting, representatives of the ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, ministry of Health, ministry of Tourism, ministry of Education, and the Department for Cohesion of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers shared their points of view on the potential of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe as tools for the programming of integrated policies and strategies.


7 october 2021
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