Takaisin Meeting of ICC Coordinators

Meeting of ICC Coordinators

Cities that are member of the international Intercultural Cities network hold coordination meetings once per year to take stock of achievements, put forward new challenges, and prepare the next programme of work with a view to further develop both the intercultural cities’ network and the intercultural integration policy model.

This year meeting will be hosted by Odessa, Ukraine, on 25-26 September. The programme will include, for the first time, a “systemic design” session on strengthening the ICC Network. In fact, the Intercultural Cities network has grown from 11 to over 130 members in 11 years, encompassing a broader range of countries and national integration models. The ICC programme has also expanded the set of issues it covers, with an increasing focus on human rights, equality and inclusion. Systemic design is an emerging methodology for assessing the role of different elements and processes in complex systems, their interaction, weaknesses and strengths. The methodology will be used to explore new modes of communication and exchange, and better modalities of networked learning and policy advocacy, on which ultimately depend the sustainability and effectiveness of the network.

Registrations are now closed.


Odessa, Ukraine 25-26 September 2019
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