Freedom of Expression: videos
Part 1 - the launch of the book “A Mission to Inform: Journalists at Risk Speak Out”
Part 2 - “Enhancing the Safety of Journalists in Europe” event: the panel discussed ways to put an end to impunity for attacks on journalists
Part 3 - “Enhancing the Safety of Journalists in Europe” event: the panel discussed ways to put an end to online harassment of journalists
"Why quality journalism matters?" Patrick Penninckx on the international conference in Ljubljana
"Why quality journalism matters?" Tarlach McGonagle answers the question ahead of the international conference in Ljubljana
Video message: Media pluralism in the digital environment (24 May 2019)
Governing the Game Changer – Impacts of artificial intelligence development on human rights, democracy and the rule of law, 26 – 27 February 2019, Helsinki, Finland
Finland’s Ambassador to the Council of Europe Satu Mattila-Budich sets out national Artificial Intelligence priorities
Patrick Penninckx on the "Governing the Game Changer" conference in Helsinki on 26-27 February 2019
Dr Joanna Bryson: government "conversations" about Artificial Intelligence too often wrongly separate it from Cyber Security
Miro Griffiths tells of fears that AI and technology are "rooted in ableism” and social inequalities
John Frank congratulates "leading lights" gathered at #AIFINCoE
Interview with the author, Prof. Marilyn Clark of Malta University
Video presentation of the study and its key findings
Former Vice-President of the European Court of Human Rights
Judge at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)
Judge at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)
Judge at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)
Lawyer in Public Law at Paris-Ouest and Pantheon-Assas Universities
Council of Europe Human Rights Commissionner
Senior Researcher and Lecturer, University of Amsterdam
"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression"
Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights