Zurück Generalsekretär Thorbjørn Jagland begrüßt Einigung bei den von der EU vermittelten Verhandlungen zwischen Serbien und Kosovo*


Following the agreement between Serbia and Kosovo*, Secretary General Jagland published the following statement:

"I whole-heartedly welcome the important results achieved by the Serbian and Kosovo* leaders in their EU-facilitated dialogue.

What they achieved today through courage, patience and commitment can be rightly called historic progress.

This agreement opens a new path towards a peaceful future for the whole of South East Europe.

The Council of Europe stands ready to assist all sides in this process, so that both the people of Serbia and the people of Kosovo* will enjoy a clear European perspective".

 * All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text, shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.


Straßburg 19/04/2013
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