Zurück Council of Europe anti-torture Committee publishes report on Germany

In a report published today, the Council of Europe's Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) assesses the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty in Germany. The report, published at the request of the German authorities together with their response, concerns the CPT's fourth visit to Germany carried out in December 2000.

During the visit, the CPT followed up issues examined during the previous three visits to Germany and, in particular, the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty under aliens legislation. Issues tackled for the first time in Germany included the treatment of persons placed in forensic psychiatric institutions and of persons living in homes for the elderly.

The CPT found that the premises at Frankfurt am Main Airport for foreign nationals subject to the airport procedure could hardly offer satisfactory living conditions. In their response, the German authorities indicate that these premises have been replaced by more appropriate facilities.

The CPT severely criticises the conditions in which - at the time of the visit - certain patients were secluded in secure rooms at the Forensic Psychiatric Section in Wiesloch. In its response, the Government refers to a series of measures taken to remedy this situation.

The report (in English) and the response (in English and German) are available on the CPT’s website: http://www.cpt.coe.int

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