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[16/11/07 12:30] Thomas Hammarberg today took part in a conference on "Human rights protection for vulnerable groups of people" in Oslo organised by the Ombudsman of Norway. The Commissioner's intervention focused on the possibilities to further strengthen human rights protection in Norway and improve the living conditions of vulnerable people.

While in Oslo, the Commissioner also held meetings with national authorities, in particular the Minister of Justice and State Secretaries from the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Commissioner's agenda focused on prison conditions, trafficking in human beings, national action plans for human rights and the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.

* 16 марта 2022 года Комитет Министров принял решение, согласно которому Россия перестала состоять в Совете Европы после 26 лет членства в этой организации
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