Powrót Council of Europe and EU launch joint project to support family courts in Turkey

Council of Europe and EU launch joint project to support family courts in Turkey

The Council of Europe and the European Union have launched the joint programme on “Improving the effectiveness of Family Courts: Better Protection of the Rights of Family Members”, aimed at supporting the functioning of family courts in Turkey.

“This project is specifically designed to improve the effectiveness of Turkish family courts in protecting the rights of women, children and other family members, by equipping judges at family courts and public prosecutors working in the domestic violence bureaus, as well as other relevant legal professionals, with capacities and skills in the areas that would directly contribute to ensuring family justice,” said Verena Taylor, Director of the Office of the Directorate General of Programmes of the Council of Europe.

Deputy Foreign Minister Faruk Kaymakcı, President of the Justice Academy of Turkey Muhittin Özdemir, and Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Turkey Eleftheria Pertzinidou made speeches underlining the importance of the project for upholding and promoting fundamental rights in Turkey.

Council of Europe Strasbourg 20 January 2022
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