Atrás European Committee of Social Rights: Greek minister attends hearing on social rights and austerity

European Committee of Social Rights: Greek minister attends hearing on social rights and austerity

A public hearing of the European Committee of Social Rights today focused on how austerity in Greece has affected social rights under the guidelines of the European Social Charter.  

The committee granted the hearing request, which was made by the complainant organisation, the Greek General Confederation of Labour (GSEE) v. Greece.

The complaint alleges that some laws enacted in Greece as part of the austerity programme affect workers’ rights in a manner that is contrary to Article 1 (the right to work); Article 2 (the right to just conditions of work); Article 4 (the right to a fair remuneration); and Article 7 (the right of children and young persons to protection) of the 1961 Social Charter; as well as of Article 3 of the 1988 Additional Protocol (the right to take part in the determination and improvement of working conditions and working environment).

Greece’s Minister for Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity George Katrougalos and GSEE president Yannis Panagopoulos attended the hearing.

The Committee, which monitors commitments to the European Social Charter, is expected to issue its decision to the public by mid-2017.

European Committee of Social Rights Strasbourg 20 October 2016
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